Safety Guideline, Troubleshooting & User Manual

Safety Guideline

Important Note: This glass based product (referenced as "GoodPlate") is a quick temporary fix for warped heating beds of 3D printers. The user of GoodPlate should only use it if they fully understand the risks and follow all safety guidelines. Additionally, please read the following safety guideline, troubleshooting and user manual in exactly the previous order thoroughly before using this product, as it may cause harm to people, pets or your devices if not used correctly. Handle with Caution: GoodPlate can cause harm if not handled with caution. To ensure your safety, please follow at least these minimal safety requirements:

  1. Wear appropriate safety gloves, safety glasses, and safety clothing to handle glass, especially if you handle GoodPlate for first time
  2. Before your first use make sure that no sharp edges and corners were missed
  3. Use caution when handling "GoodPlate", as it may be sharp or fragile
  4. Avoid dropping or mishandling of GoodPlate as it may break and cause injury
  5. If GoodPlate breaks, use caution when cleaning up the broken pieces. Wear gloves and use a broom and dustpan to carefully sweep up the glass fragments. Dispose the broken glass properly in a container designed for glass disposal.
  6. Store GoodPlate in a safe location, away from children and pets


  1. Sharp edges or corners were located on GoodPlate

  2. Problem description
    Each GoodPlate is sanded by hand. It might happen that despite 4 eyes quality check an area is been missed.

    1. Put proper safety equipment on to handle glass (safety gloves, safety glasses and safety clothes)
    2. Grab fine sanding paper (120 grain size) and slowly smoothen sharp areas

  3. Error "HMS_0300_0A00_0001_0001 The sensititvity of heatbed force sensor 1/2/3 is too high"

  4. Problem description
    This error might occur if the clips for fixation are to tight for the PEI sheet/GoodPlate. Your printer thinks that something stiff (forgotten print) is pressing from the bottom of your heat bed. The GoodPlate clips which come with the GoodPlate-Kit are optimized for the Bambu textured PEI sheet

    1. Either download the original step file for the clips and adapted it for your needs
    2. Or design your custom clips with heat resistent filament (e.g. ABS)

  5. Bubbles occur on the magnetic foil

  6. Problem description
    The magnetic foil is glued on the glass bed which might leave small air gaps. Usually these gaps get pressed flat with heat and pressure, just by printing 3d prints on the heated bed. Usually after several prints you won't be able to recognize any glue. If the bubbles don't go away alone do following solution.

    1. Put proper safety equipment on to handle glass (safety gloves, safety glasses and safety clothes)
    2. Lay GoodPlate completly flat on a flat surface. Make sure no object is underlying
    3. Get a sharp knife or something sharp edged object to pinch the air bubble
    4. Press the air out the air bubble
    5. Redo steps c) and d) after heating GoodPlate on your printers heating bed to 60° Celsius if the air bubble is left over

  7. GoodPlate is "floating" on the heating bed

  8. Problem description
    If you forget to put the mounting clips on or if your mounting clips have done many prints, GoodPlate might get "floaty".

    1. Reprint mounting clips with heat resistent material e.g. ABS. STL and Step file can be downloaded here
    2. Add more mounting clips if needed

    User Manual

    1. Before using GoodPlate make sure that the ambient temperature and inside of your 3d printer (if enclosed) is not too cold. 21° Celsius is recommended. For ABS you will need a closed chamber to prevent warping
    2. Remove any dust, dirt or object from your printers heated bed
    3. Optional: Glue GoodPlate directly onto the heatbed with heat resistent silicone if you don't want to use mounting clips. If you don't want to use glue skip this step and refer later to step 6 (mounting clips) Use 5 pea sized heat resistent silicone. 1 for each corner and 1 for middle like following image:

      I have had used this standard bath and kitchend silicone which is heat-resistent up to 150° Celcius.

      Put GoodPlate with pea sized silicone onto the heatbed and press it firmly till the silicone get squeezed and wipe off any excess as shown in image below:

      Let it completly dry. For my silicone it sayys it needs 24 hours for a layer for 2-3 mm.

    4. Put the magnetic PEI sheet on GoodPlate. Make sure to align edges of your PEI sheet with GoodPlate.
    5. Make sure that the "wiping nose area" of your PEI sheet does not touch your 3d printers wall. If so repeat Step 4.

    6. Optional: Mount the clips on if you skipped step 3 and did not use the gluing method.

      Make sure not to clip on a pin underneath your heating bed. Recommendation: Use 2 clips on the left side and 1 clip on the right side for original textured PEI sheet of Bambu with P1P, if your wiping paths (see outer cyan colored lines) looks like in the image. Your wiping lines may look different based on 3D Printer type and Slicing-Software Version. Put the clips anywhere, where they don't get in tough with wiping lines or any other components as seen below:

    7. In case of X1/X1C you can try to use the provided X1/X1C clips. You might need to adapt the clips (print your own custom clips) for your indidivual warped bed situation. The P1P clips will not work with your X1/X1C due to the LIDAR component. Alternatively use silicone glue as mentioned in step 3 instead of mounting clips! You can download some step and stl files here or ask in the offical bambu forum for help.
    8. Set your desired target heating bed temperature and start pre-heating. Once your printer shows that target heat is reached, wait another 3 minutes
    9. Start printing process with "Bed leveling":